prooV for Healthcare Innovation

With prooV support your healthcare innovation proof-of-concepts

Learn How

How can prooV help healthcare innovation?

Top of mind for healthcare professionals is patient privacy, as no data or information can be revealed at any time. Due to these strict rules and regulations, running proper, thorough proof-of-concepts can be difficult.

prooV’s PoC Platform coupled with our Data Mirroring tool, allows healthcare innovators to put these worries aside and test solutions to their fullest. You can now evaluate various software solutions in parallel with mimicked date that acts and behaves like your original data. With the assistance of the PoC Wizard, healthcare professionals can replicate their production environments with Smart APIs, data, servers and network behavior.

prooV Benefits for Your Healthcare Innovation PoCs

All-inclusive toolset including Smart APIs, data generation and more

Pre-vetted vendors ready to run PoCs

Tailored KPIs to compare and benchmark solutions

Comprehensive and accurate testing environments that mimic production

Telehealth, 3D Printed Medicine and More!

Here are some PoC ideas your healthcare innovation team can explore.

Blockchain Protected Health Records

Find a blockchain solution that can help encode personal health records or any sensitive healthcare documents.


Test chatbot and video solutions to see which one offers patients the best support and care for non-life threatening issues.

3D Printed Meds

Evaluate IoT solutions within the supply chain of 3D printed materials to help create customized drugs for patients, reducing the general cost for both sides.

Let’s talk about how to achieve your healthcare innovation goals!

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