Enterprise CTO Series: Easily Run Your Next PoC on prooV

You are the CTO of a large-scale enterprise and you know you want to think outside the box (after all, you’re entrusted with driving the innovation train forward for your enterprise) but you want to make sure your out-of-the-box ambitions are within the confines of your capabilities – how do you do that?

Easy: you run your next PoC with prooV.

What is prooV?

prooV is a revolutionary pilot-as-a-service solution designed to meet the needs of enterprises and startups alike with one simple platform.

The idea behind the prooV platform was conceived by Toby Olshanetsky and Alexey Sapozhnikov, as they recognized the need for a digital marketplace that brings together startups with enterprise CTO’s and decision makers without the need for a middleman (or meet-up events and length email pitches).  The idea was simple; to take the SAAS trend and adapt it to meet the needs of startups and enterprises.

Coming from the Cyber Security and IT world, both Olshanetsky and Sapoznikov recognized that overcoming the security barrier would be the first thing they needed to do if their platform was to succeed. For an enterprise, the most difficult thing is opening their secure ecosystem for PoC testing, however it is virtually impossible to truly determine the success or failure of a PoC if it is never tested on the live environment.  

By creating the secure prooV cloud as a buffer zone between enterprises and startups, the prooV platform essentially eliminated the main pain point for enterprises and simplified the PoC process for startups.

So How Does it Work?

Using prooV to launch a PoC is even easier than it sounds.

  1. Sign up for prooV
  2. Complete a simple single integration
  3. Open a new RFP
  4. Wait for startups to submit their solution
  5. Test their solutions on prooV remote servers
  6. Select your desired solution based on KPIs
  7. Scale on your existing ecosystem
  8. Repeat to find new innovative solutions

When you sign up for prooV, you instantly gain access to hundreds of startups with innovative and out-of-the-box solutions just waiting to be discovered by the right enterprise.  

When joining, you will be prompted to complete a single integration with the prooV secure cloud. In doing so, you will be able to take the hassle of all future integrations off your shoulders and never have to worry about letting startups access your ecosystem. Since the prooV founders recognized that this is the most worrisome point for enterprises, especially CTO’s that understand the power of their technology, they created a secure cloud system that serves as a buffer between enterprises and startups, ensuring that solutions can be tested but risk is prevented.

After completing your integration, you’re ready to test as many startups as you want and run as many PoC’s as you want… so you should probably start by creating your first RFP – this is where you tell startups exactly what you need, what your limitations are, what your specs are, and what KPIs will measure their solution.

Enterprises that want a prooV account manager to help them determine the goals and criteria of the PoC are able to work hand in hand with the dedicated team at prooV to clearly communicate their needs. If you already know what you need, how you plan to measure it and what your evaluation criteria is, you are ready to launch your first pilot.

That’s it? The pilot is launched? – What now?

Well, we work hard to recruit quality startups so you don’t have to. Once you open your pilot opportunity, the startups on our platform will be able to determine whether or not their solution suits your needs and depending on that they will be able to select if they want to run a PoC.

For the startups, they have a bit of a longer process (we pre-screen startups to ensure their quality as well as ability to offer viable solutions that are both scalable and secure), but once they are on the prooV platform, they can join a PoC with just a few clicks, meaning you can expect dozens of entries without ever leaving your chair.

Once the pilots start pouring in, your job is to evaluate them and simply select the one that works best for you based on your needs, your capabilities and your long and short-term goals.

Since the PoC’s are tested on the prooV ecosystem, you can instantly assess their scalability and viability and determine if the solution truly answers your needs.

If the selected solution isn’t the right fit, you can always go back and try a new one. If you found the right startup that will help your enterprise grow and take on new frontiers with their innovative solution, awesome!

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